Vision Board Creation

Super Confidence

Vision Boards are a fun and easy way to foucs your goals and keep them in your daily line of vision.

You will need: Magazines, Scissors, Glue, Momentos and Imagination!

Start by going thur the magazines and pulling images or words that catch your eye. Just rip them out and keep going. Then go back and trim around the edges of the image or work that you want to use. Start putting images and words together. They will start to fall into place like a puzzel. There is no right or wrong here, have fun! You may choose to put the Vision Board on a piece of cardbord, or maybe in your journal.

Take some time to think about what you want in your life. What golas are you working on. You may consider putting the most importiant thing in the middle and working around it. I group colors together and keep moving things around. Layer things up and be creative! Sign and date

Ready or not….here we come!

Keeping a Journal

The benfits of keeping a daily joural are many.

Simply writting down your thoughts and feelings to better understand them. It can improve your mood and give you a greater sense of foucs and well being. Which equals happiness. I find that writting things down on my calender or journal helps free them from my mind. I don’t keep looping back to think about them. And I personally get a great sense of satisfaction checking them off that list! There are many journals on the market. The most sucessful all take a minute to determine what you are greatful for. And what daily/weekly/monthy/yearly goals are you working on. I really enjoy doodling in my calender and journal. Some of these ideas will be future projects and goals.

Decision making/ Drawing a line down the middle of the page.

My Mom always said when making a tough decision. Draw a line down the middle of the page and put the pros on one side and the cons on the other. So simple and such visual impact.

Grab a blank book and have some fun!. I really think good paper and a a quality pen or pencil are importaint. I have several kinds of journals. Ideas, Writtings, Drawings, Calender, Inspirational. It dosent matter what you write, just keep doing it, daily of possible. If you miss days, don’t beat yourself up, simply open up the book and start again.

What kind of joural do you keep?

Start your Day Right

Healthy habits are crucial to having the energy, focus and determination necessary to achieve living at a high level.

Start your day with on a positive note. The very first thing in the morning when you wake. Think of what you are greatful for. Try and list 3 things. Even if its as simple as you woke up! Many people will meditate and recite mantras that help to get going in the right direction. I do a Hawaiian chant that welcomes the new day and all its possibilites. I do this in bathroom as I am getting ready. I also write on my bathroom mirror with dry erase pens. Put the things that you are currently working on. I love how it keeps them right in your face. Literally!

Getting protien in your body within 30 minutes of waking is ideal. A hard boiled egg is a quick and easy to go protien snack. There are many protien powders on the market that are also quick and easy. Peanut butter on toast or apples is another great idea. Cottage cheese or yougrt with fruit is yummy too!

If you don’t exercise daily START. It can be as simple as taking a fast paced walk. 20 minutes is what you need to get your heart rate up. And 30 minutes in you start to burn fat. I personally like to dance the Hula and Marital Arts. By having these two practices in my life I get lots of exercise and I constanly learning something new. Which is imprortaint for brain health. I encourage you to start something new. Think back to when you were a kid and do something that makes you smile. Get moving! You will be surprised at how fast you start to see results. As you get used to the added activity you may need to do additional stretches. There are many but start slow and touch your toes and reach up abouve your head. See The Fountian of life exercises.

For maximum brain power it is best to have protein every 2 hours. It dosen’t need to be a lot. A handful of nuts, cheese, cottage cheese or yougrt. I always have cheese sticks and hard boiled eggs in the frige. And I do eat less and more frequently. I basicly follow a simple rule. “Listen to your body. Eat when you are hungry. Sleeep when you are tired. When working out check your heart rate frequently.