Vision Board Creation

Super Confidence

Vision Boards are a fun and easy way to foucs your goals and keep them in your daily line of vision.

You will need: Magazines, Scissors, Glue, Momentos and Imagination!

Start by going thur the magazines and pulling images or words that catch your eye. Just rip them out and keep going. Then go back and trim around the edges of the image or work that you want to use. Start putting images and words together. They will start to fall into place like a puzzel. There is no right or wrong here, have fun! You may choose to put the Vision Board on a piece of cardbord, or maybe in your journal.

Take some time to think about what you want in your life. What golas are you working on. You may consider putting the most importiant thing in the middle and working around it. I group colors together and keep moving things around. Layer things up and be creative! Sign and date

Ready or not….here we come!

Quick Ways to Boost Confidence Quickly

Get Outside

Take a Walk feel the sun on your face, feel the earth under foot. Let the wind blow in your hair and feel the connection.

Listen to upbeat music… Create a playlist that you can rely on to get you going.

Make something Cook, Craft, Write, Draw use the creativeness inside you. Let it out!

Find your happy thought and Go there often! If you haven’t yet created a special place that you can go to when ever you need to do it now!

Remember, the past dosen’t equal the present. Every day is a new chance.

Use perspective, Will it matter in 5 years? Probably not. Don’t get stuck!

Practice self Love, Be kind to yourself. Your O.K. just the way you are.

Stop Comparing yourself to others, your are unique! And we all need you in the light!

Redefine Failure / Win or Learn only. Don’t get caught in this age old trap. The most successful people don’t ever fail. The simply learn and try again.

Focus outward, Volunteer! Studies show that this is one of the best ways to change up your perspective.

Celebrate each success! Every single one! Even if it’s just to take a breath and say “Well done!”

Create Goals, monitor those goals daily and get it done!

Be persistent your worth it!

Try something new. Anything.

Make a plan and keep it. Step outside of your comfort zone. Push yourself.