
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive” Walter Scott

Truth is defined in Marrium Webster as the quality or state of being true. that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. Authenticity if you will. I think it goes all the way back to childhood for most of us. We were programed to tell the truth. We associate the truth with being a good. And therefore not being truthful as bad. Our brain triggers and sends off chemicals to reinforce these feelings. Whatever your truth is, you must embrace it and run with it. Like the whole team is after you and your running for the goal post. If you don’t yet know what your truth is, work on it. Sit and think about it. Write about it. Meditate on it. It will come. Your job is to figure it out and never give up on it. For it is in the truth, that we find the light. We find the connection that we all seek. And Peace.

Letting Go

Freeze or Fire

A fun way to release the old that no longer serves you. Is to write it down on a small piece of paper and either burn it or freeze it. Always be safe when using fire. Never leave a flame unattended. ( I can’t help it, old Volunteer Fire Department habits.)

Fly Away

Bubbles or Danalions can be a fun and child-safe way to release fears, doubt and old ways. Have them visualize “it” and watch it float away on the breeze and popping. All the while saying goodbye and thanking it for its lessons.

I personally use the ocean, the earth and the winds all. I grew up in the Sea and I am very comfortable there. With each wave that laps at my feet, I let her take all fear and doubt away to the open deep sea or Moana. The Sea will use the energy and transform it into something positive and good. Each windy day I visualize that which I want to let go of and let Miriah or Makani the wind carry it all away. When in the garden or on the beach I enjoy putting my bare feet in the soil. This grounds you to the earth in a way that for me feels very ancient. When we dance the Hula we have bare feet so we can feel the Ina or the earth.

Taking Care of You!


If you don’t exercise daily START. It can be as simple as taking a fast paced walk. 20 minutes is what you need to get your heart rate up. And after 30 minutes you start to burn fat. Personally I Hula and do Marital Arts. By having these two practices in my life I get lots of exercise and I am constantly learning something new. Which studies show is important for brain health. I encourage you to start something new. Think back to when you were a kid and do something that makes you smile. Get moving! You will be surprised at how fast you start to see results. As you get used to the added activity you may need to do additional stretches. Again start slow and listen to your body. Check in with your Doctor before starting any new routine. Many heath plans have a nutritionist available, so ask. Always check your heart rate frequently when exercising. This is the best way to keep track of how hard your working, and to maximize each workout.


For maximum brain power it is best to have protein within the first 30 minutes of waking and every 2 hours. It dosen’t need to be a lot. A handful of nuts, cheese, cottage cheese or yougrt. I always have cheese sticks and hard boiled eggs in the fridge. And I do eat less and more frequently. I basicly follow a simple rule. “Listen to your body. Eat when you are hungry. Sleep when you are tired.


Getting enough water can be challenging. Get that water bottle and use it! We need 8 glasses a day. Also remember that we get about 20% of the water we absorb through the food we eat. Another reason that eating fresh fruits and vegetables is important. Coffee and alcohol are dehydrating and need to be compensated for. Means DRINK EVEN MORE.


Sleeping is when the body rejvniates itself. Getting enough sleep is crucial to be able to exist in a higher state of success and confidence. There are many ways to get that much needed sleep. Most experts say 8 hours is best. Some of the best ways I have found are to limit the “screens” as bedtime approaches. Creating a bedtime routine, jammies, brush teeth prepare for bed. I like to shower at night. The hot water washes away the day. I literally visualize it all going down the drain. As a dancer I need to stretch before sleeping. I have done this as long as I can remember. While I stretch I consciously slow my breathing. Holding each move for a bit and then taking a breath and going a little further. What every works for you, find it and DO IT Daily.

Quick Ways to Boost Confidence Quickly

Get Outside

Take a Walk feel the sun on your face, feel the earth under foot. Let the wind blow in your hair and feel the connection.

Listen to upbeat music… Create a playlist that you can rely on to get you going.

Make something Cook, Craft, Write, Draw use the creativeness inside you. Let it out!

Find your happy thought and Go there often! If you haven’t yet created a special place that you can go to when ever you need to do it now!

Remember, the past dosen’t equal the present. Every day is a new chance.

Use perspective, Will it matter in 5 years? Probably not. Don’t get stuck!

Practice self Love, Be kind to yourself. Your O.K. just the way you are.

Stop Comparing yourself to others, your are unique! And we all need you in the light!

Redefine Failure / Win or Learn only. Don’t get caught in this age old trap. The most successful people don’t ever fail. The simply learn and try again.

Focus outward, Volunteer! Studies show that this is one of the best ways to change up your perspective.

Celebrate each success! Every single one! Even if it’s just to take a breath and say “Well done!”

Create Goals, monitor those goals daily and get it done!

Be persistent your worth it!

Try something new. Anything.

Make a plan and keep it. Step outside of your comfort zone. Push yourself.