Letting Go

Freeze or Fire

A fun way to release the old that no longer serves you. Is to write it down on a small piece of paper and either burn it or freeze it. Always be safe when using fire. Never leave a flame unattended. ( I can’t help it, old Volunteer Fire Department habits.)

Fly Away

Bubbles or Danalions can be a fun and child-safe way to release fears, doubt and old ways. Have them visualize “it” and watch it float away on the breeze and popping. All the while saying goodbye and thanking it for its lessons.

I personally use the ocean, the earth and the winds all. I grew up in the Sea and I am very comfortable there. With each wave that laps at my feet, I let her take all fear and doubt away to the open deep sea or Moana. The Sea will use the energy and transform it into something positive and good. Each windy day I visualize that which I want to let go of and let Miriah or Makani the wind carry it all away. When in the garden or on the beach I enjoy putting my bare feet in the soil. This grounds you to the earth in a way that for me feels very ancient. When we dance the Hula we have bare feet so we can feel the Ina or the earth.