
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive” Walter Scott

Truth is defined in Marrium Webster as the quality or state of being true. that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. Authenticity if you will. I think it goes all the way back to childhood for most of us. We were programed to tell the truth. We associate the truth with being a good. And therefore not being truthful as bad. Our brain triggers and sends off chemicals to reinforce these feelings. Whatever your truth is, you must embrace it and run with it. Like the whole team is after you and your running for the goal post. If you don’t yet know what your truth is, work on it. Sit and think about it. Write about it. Meditate on it. It will come. Your job is to figure it out and never give up on it. For it is in the truth, that we find the light. We find the connection that we all seek. And Peace.